【文章分享】The New York City Tech Ecosystem |
作者 Administrator
2014/04/15, Tuesday |
New York City’s economy is in the midst of a rapid transformation. The Internet, mobile technologies, social media, and big data have unleashed a wave of innovation that is creating thousands of new startups and is re-inventing New York City’s traditional industries. This study details the size and impact of New York City’s growing tech ecosystem. |
【文章分享】15 programming productivity killers |
作者 Administrator
2014/03/07, Friday |
Meetings, know-nothing managers, productivity metrics -- here's what's threatening to slay the next generation of great software By Peter Wayner , InfoWorld, January 02, 2014 |
【文章分享】Why open source will rule the data center |
作者 Administrator
2014/02/10, Monday |
According to Michael Bushong of networking startup Plexxi, three commonly occurring conditions ensure that open source software will steadily widen its data center footprint |
最後更新 ( 2014/02/19, Wednesday )
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